Instruction to Authors

Manuscript Decoration

  1. All manuscripts should be double spaced throughout (including figure legends and references) and with 2.5 cm margins.

  2. Pages should be numbered sequentially at the bottom right corner, including all typed material in the numbering. One set of publication quality figures and two copies of the figures should be sent. If the figures are photographs, all three sets should be of publication quality. Manuscripts that do not conform to these specifications may not be accepted, at the Editor's discretion.

  3. The title page must include the following: title, full first name and surname of each contributor followed by name, full postal address, e-mail address and cell phone/telephone numbers of the contributor who will deal with correspondence including proofs; and a running title not in excess of 50 characters. The total number of pages and figures being submitted should also be indicated on this page.

  4. A minimum of three keywords not appearing in the title should be provided for use by indexing services.

  5. Research papers should start with an ABSTRACT which will appear before the main body of the text. It should be written in complete sentences and should summarize the materials, methods, results, and major conclusions in 250 words or less in a form comprehensible to any specialist and suitable for abstracting services.


  7. If references are used in an abstract, they must include the author(s), journal title, volume number, starting page, and year. Avoid abbreviations in abstracts as far as possible.

  8. References used in the text should be arranged alphabetically at the end of the articles under heading References. An example is: 'McMichael and Gotch have reported . . .'. Where there are more than two authors, the citation in the text should use the formulation 'et al.'. An example is: 'This observation has been reported by Shackelford et al.'. In the list of references papers from journals should be listed thus:


Shackelford DA, Smith AV, Trowbridge IS (1987) Changes in gene expression induced by a phorbol diester: expression of IL2 receptor, T3, and T cell antigen receptor. J. Immunol. 138, 613.

Das DK, Mandal N (2002) In vitro organogenesis from shoot tip in blackgram. Indian J. Genet. Plant Breed. 62(1), 91-92.

Haque KMS, Khaliq QA, Aktar J, Shamsuddula AM (2006) Yielding Ability of Aromatic Rice under Stacking and Non-Stacking Conditions with Different Nitrogen Fertilization. Int. J. Sustain. Crop Prod. 1(1), 01-05.


Bowry TR (1984) Immunology Simplified, 2nd edn. J. Health, GGF, Bangladesh.
Tisdale SL, Nelson WL, Beaten JD (1982) Soil Fertility and Fertilizers. Macmillan Pub. Co., New York. p. 27-35.


Murphy LS, Walsh EM (1972) Correction of micronutrient deficiencies with fertilizers. In Proc: Micronutrients in Agriculture. Mortvedt JJ, Girdano PM, Lindsay WL (eds.). Soil Sci. Soc. Amer., Inc., Wis. USA.

  • The titles of journals should be abbreviated in accordance with the World List of Scientific Periodicals, 4th edn.

Important Note

  1. Only original unpublished research paper and scientific notes are eligible for publish. Research paper will not exceed 20 pages (including references), and scientific note will be within 10 pages of Times New Roman in 12 font, 1.5 spacing.

  2. Your declaration letter of “not published before and right to GGF for publication” should be attached with the manuscript (sample Declaration letter is enclosed).

# Soft copy of the paper should be submitted by email ( as attachment.

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